A Clever One

Sometimes God seems to have a sense of humor when teaching us things. He seems to think it’s great fun to turn the tables to make a point. At least he does it that way in my life. I think He knows that will get my attention and that’s exactly what happened to me this week. But before I tell you what happened, I need to give you some back story.

When I was working in small hospitals, where I profess that nurses are jacks of all trades but masters of none, my assignment would sometimes be labor and delivery. Throughout the years, I heard some creative names given to babies. There were the cute and clever names like Winter Storm, Rocky Cliff, and Forest Green. Other parents might name their kids after their favorite place to vacation such as Phoenix, Dakota, Brooklyn, and Austin. Some name them after favorite characters in their favorite novel. I know a little boy who’s name is Attichus from the book “To Kill A Mockingbird” and his sister’s name is Harper -the author of the same book. Some parents like to stick to a pattern such as giving their children all “J” names or “D” names.

These are just harmless, fun ways for parents to name a baby. But, I’ve wondered at the harmlessness of certain names, especially those that babies have to share with famous, non-reputable characters. For instance – the name Cain comes to mind – the first murderer in the Bible. And there’s Jezebel – the Israelite queen known for wickedness and vileness. And yes, I’ve known babies with these names. I honestly confess that I’ve had “attitude” with these parents and even shared my attitude about it with co-workers.

Fast forward to this week. I’m playing pickle-ball at the city’s outdoor courts. All six courts are full and Paul and I have drawn a “bye”. We grab our water bottles and sit on the bench beside Court One. Byes are often the only time to engage in chit-chat during the fast paced games. We use “bye time” to learn something about each other and share snippets of our personal lives. (We have less than 15 minutes.) Paul, being a direct kind of guy, didn’t waste any time.

“Of all the biblical names your folks could have named you, why did they name you DeLila?” It made me pause. I’ve always liked my name; an uncommon first name that balanced out my most common maiden name – Smith. And I always felt it was special to have been named after a favorite aunt. But Paul obviously thought of it just like I thought of Cain or Jezebel. Come to think of it, other than being persistent and relentless in a greed hungry scheme to unearth the secret of Samson’s strength, I can’t think of another reputable characteristic that Delilah owned.

Once recovered from Paul’s uninhibited question, I gave him an answer, I told him the story of my name. “I have an Aunt LeVila and my parents wanted to name me in honor of her. But to avoid confusion by having the very same name (she was LeVila Smith – married to my Dad’s brother) they named me DeLila.” I added a quick thought, “My middle name is Ruth – does that balance things out?”

Paul didn’t answer; just smiled. But, as I left the court that day, calling out my usual, “See everyone on Tuesday,” Paul called after me, “Bye, Ruth!”

“Okay, God…I get it,” I thought reflectively as I walked to the car. I’ll keep my attitude and opinions to myself about non-reputable names. Isn’t God a clever One?

Until next time – keep on readin’ and I’ll keep on writin’.


  1. Anonymous

    You just never know when Gods going to remind you of something huh. He even uses bye time at PB 🤔. None the less, yours is a unique name, a good name! Nice story too.

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