Opinions On the Loose

Decisions don’t always come easy to us. I’ve had to make decisions that have been extremely easy and some that have been extremely difficult. One of the easiest significant decisions I’ve had to make is where I would go to nursing school when I finished high school. This was a no brainer for me. I would go to the only nursing school in Nebraska that didn’t require me to take Speech in high school or college. Because, you see, I was terrified of the thought of standing in front of a roomful of classmates and an instructor to give a five minute speech. I would have cleaned out 100 chicken coops – maybe even a 1000 – before I would have given a speech. I was so thankful Bryan School of Nursing wanted their students to have Physics instead of Speech!

Then there’s the decisions that weren’t so easy. We’ve all had them. Do you stay with this job that you really like or apply for the one that makes more money? Do you go out on a limb to start the venture you’ve always dreamed about but could fail? Do you change churches because you don’t feel you’re getting fed even though all your friends are here? Do you continue befriending the neighbor that’s always asking for childcare help and rarely giving anything in return? And on and on.

It’s sometimes helpful to confide in others when a major decision needs to be made. They may be able to help you process your options. But, it’s wise to be selective when discussing life changing decisions. And even then it can get confusing. Have you ever noticed that everyone has an opinion and they seldom coincide? The experiences they have had will play a big part of what forms their contributions to your situation. Even if we’re not seeking an opinion, but only wishing to be heard, it’s a rare find to have a friend that’s willing to listen only. It’s human nature to offer our viewpoint.

I have found that as I get older I have become more confident in my own opinions as long as I have included God in the process. I have come to appreciate and agree with what Charles Stanley, pastor and author, has to say on this subject. People have influence in our lives and they’ll always have an opinion when we have a decision to make. But they aren’t you and will never know better than you what God’s will is for your life.

I am convinced that if we feel God nudging us one way but we take the advice of someone else to go another way, we will be settling for second best. It is God that is our all knowing Counselor. Psalm 32:8 tells us what the LORD says. “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. (NLT) Could it get any plainer than that?

You might be interested to know that I’ve gained freedom from my fears of speaking – found my voice you might say. It began with teaching Lamaze in the 70’s and beyond, and progressed to speaking at Christian Women’s groups, at my father’s funeral, and at book promotions. When God is in your heart, all things are possible. (Matt: 19:26)

Until next time….keep on readin’ and I’ll keep on writin’.


One Comment

  1. Kathy

    Thank you for the reminder of Psalm 32:8 that God will always be with us, guiding us, advising us, helping us make those tough decisions as we rely on Him.

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